Quote Originally Posted by PunyJuney View Post
+1, that was a sombre ride.
The service was wonderful with both sad and happy moments. I'm glad we were able to give a good turn out. I was told by a couple of his family members that they really appreciated our show of support at this difficult time. I even overheard somebody say it was great to watch his friends ride in "in force". I guess it's just because they are not used to seeing so many bikes together, and they didn't realize we were such a big family, related by 2 wheels rather than DNA. His Mom was moved that people rode in from all over, so kudos for making the trek to those from Fort Collins to the Springs and everywhere in between.
I agree on all counts June.

Dave's mom thanked us for attending. She said in part that Dave "loved that damn bike". She wanted us all to be extra careful and safe while out riding.