5x8 silver utility trailer that we used to take the bikes to the track. License plate #018 XRZ.
We left friday night to drive to Houston for a funeral. Returned this morning at 11 am. Neither of us can remember if it was in its spot at that time due to driving 15 hours straight through. Left again at noon to run up to Denver. Returned at 6:45 and both of us immediately noticed it was missing. Which, makes us both think that it was there when we got in this morning.
Nothing in it but pit bull mounting plates, spare tire, and single bike tri fold ramp.
Will look for pics.
Edit: Stolen from Early Sun Drive and Azure circle. Can't find any pics, but its a standard silver box trailer. Not that that helps at all. I think there was a #32, very small, in black, on the left had back door. Door was one that opened to the side, from left to right.
Edit: Pic from side
also, the upper rear light was broken on the drivers side, the right brake light did not function properly, and there was a paintball splatter on the back door near the handle.