Quote Originally Posted by Zanatos View Post
I am against bans, but I am for restrictions.

In my opinion, anyone who is 100% opposed to any limitations on the 2nd Amendment has no right to blame or criticize the government for mass shootings.

I am sure the authors of the Constitution never had MP5s and AR-15s in mind when they gave citizens the right to bear arms. Back then, a long-barreled, single-shot, black powder muzzle loader was the only firearm available to common citizens - so there wasn't a big need for restrictions on magazine capacity, automatic fire, etc.
And the crowd goes crazy!!!!

Part of the real problem is that people wont say that they are for some revision. I think that it makes the pro gunners feel like they are not fully defending their stance and it makes the softies feel like they are in support of guns, even if its means to an end.