Just remember cops do not need to clock you to give a reckless/careless driving. Got pulled over in my car and knew my radar detector did not go off. The cop clearly saw my radar detector (yes top of line at time) so when I asked what he clocked me at he simply said “I did not clock you, but I CAN give you a careless driving ticket”. Which he did!!!

Moral of story is they can help, but they can also make a situation worse. As the cop told me “we know why you guys have radar detectors”.

Clovis, knock on wood man, because I use to think a radar detector was the greatest thing too and would free me of tickets…but it isn’t! Not to mention you better start buying the newest one yearly because cops know we use them and their technology changes….like FZR Guys said…LIDAR! Plus always ways we cannot beat like air surveillance where they measure distance vs speed.