Quote Originally Posted by GMR View Post
do they keep giving out the same helmet each time? i don't mind that badly when somebody has the same bike/gear as me, but COMEON! theres gonna be like 20+ more of these helmets out there
Ha! I actually want that helmet! I saw it ay Fay Myers and thoguht it was pretty cool. But I totally know how it is when someone else has the same helmet as you! I was actually at Fay Myers getting new tires and set my helmet on the bench there by the soda machines like everyone else does. Then I saw some guy walking around with the SAME helmet and even the SAME blue mirrored face shield! I wa slike WTF this fool stole my helmet so I ran over to the bench where the helmets were and it was thill there haha. It's rare that it would happen, but it is also nice to be unique and not have any one elses helmet

As for the voucher is it for any bell helmet in your size? I'd like to snag that Tiger/airplane one thats in the pictures if that is an option!