Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
Now they are down to 10 riders. (I'm assuming so they can see which one of us they can arrest for something.)
As was explained to me, this was done based on feedback from spectators, who commented that the vehicle entries (of which there are many, and their numbers increase every year) are too long, and the gaps between your "typical" parade entries (marching bands & floats) are too big. I remember looking back from the front of our group once a few years ago, and at one point, we had gotten so spaced out, we took up a block and a half! I can see how limiting vehicle entries to 10 will have a positive effect on the spectators' complaints.

I spoke to one of the Parade Committee chairpersons, and explained that a big part of this, for us, is that it's a group experience that we all share together. She was very appreciative of me calling and letting her know in person, and will bring that concern to the board. I doubt it will make a difference, but we won't know for sure until registration for the 2015 parade starts.