Quote Originally Posted by CowboyZX6R View Post
cool- thats pretty easy to understand as well- I'll give that a shot. Of course maybe now that I've lived here a year I'll meet a few more of you all this year out and about-
That is a good point Drano made. In a previous discussion on this issue, I pointed out something that I discovered when I was doing some testing out at HPR a while back. Paying attention to what I was doing with my hands in corners, I discovered that I don't use a lot of force pushing the right grip when I'm leaned over in a right turn. I realized that I was applying most of the force by pulling with my left hand. Essentially, I steer with my left hand and throttle with my right after the initial turn-in. Until I paid attention to it, I had no idea I was doing that. Whether it's good or bad, I can't say, but it does simplify what the right hand has to do in a corner and should allow you to be a lot smoother with the throttle. I don't have any left-right awkwardness issues. All of this underscores points like Bueller's about body positioning. Bad body positioning gets you into a situation where your hands have to be doing things they shouldn't be like supporting weight when your feet and outside knee should be taking care that.

To the OP, maybe thinking about what your hands are doing in turns will help you figure out what is going on. It's probably a multitude of things, but I've found that it's getting all those little things right that makes your riding better.