Quote Originally Posted by FZRguy View Post
I definitely take less risks now than when I was younger, and after a serious injury. Don't rush that fusion or joint replacement, Justin. Give rehab a long good try (at least five years). I really F'ed myself by opting for a partial knee replacement less than two years from my injury. The surgery made me worse and the bone loss from the surgery is a life-long complication. I'm an avid mountain biker so maybe give that a try. It's a challenging sport away from public roads and auto traffic. The latest and greatest MTBs are phenomenal, and cycling is generally great rehab for ankle injuries...assuming you don't crash it again.
I won't bore everyone with my crash details. It is well documented on here and even includes pictures. What I did want to add is that I 100% agree with not rushing another surgery to do something drastic. I think doctors always want to rush to the medical/surgical answer and don't give the person a chance to heal naturally. I had one doctor try to amputate my leg and told me I would never walk again. The next doctor said he could get me walking but it wouldn't be pretty. They forgot there was a stubborn person connected to the leg that refused to let it define the rest of his life. My wreck was in 2006 at the Gap and it really took about ten years and seven surgeries to get to a point that I don't have pain every day or limp when I walk. Occasionally sure, but I'm getting old so other people my age have some of the same problems.

Don't rush things - Stay in decent shape because carrying extra weight doesn't help - Give it time