Yeah, technology is a weird thing. My career depends on it 100%! However, if you text me, you're getting a phone call back. I refuse to text all day when a three-second phone call would have handled everything...

Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
I'm not on either myself as I prefer forums, but basically Twitter is instant and more like a text message sent to your phone and replies come instantly back (sent to multiple people); no opening up a browser to get to a site. FB basically the same and you send out a question to all your friends at once instead of on a forum where you hope they sign on to see the question.

I'm sure people who use it more could explain better, but just saying from what I have read this is what is replacing forums. Pretty sure the CSC FB page gets more action there than here....again don't have a FB account as I like to be private.

I believe Facebook has about 1.74 billion forum could compare with that!

I’ve previously blogged about the ways social networking sites all too frequently suck the life out of forums and blogging, and I think the challenge is finding a space for blogs and forums in a world where everyone has accounts in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. People are naturally lazy, and prefer a “one stop shop” approach expecting content to come to them rather than keep track of dozens of individual sites. It’s why so many businesses have abandoned their own web forums in favour of Facebook groups; that’s where their customers are.