Figured Morbidelli would be one to go. Little surprised by Quartararo. But he's new and brings a breathe of fresh air to the paddock. He's a better and safer bet than some of the re-treads left(i.e. Smith, Abraham, Redding etc..)

Speaking of Redding, did you see his comments about Aprilia and the bike after the race?? Suffice to say, he didn't just burn that bridge, he took off and nuked the site from orbit just to be sure. Honestly though, I can't blame the guy for laying into Aprilia the way he did. I'm not saying Redding is an amazing rider or had tons of promise but if a manufacture isn't willing to fix some problems. Then it will eventually come out. I think A. Espargaro is basically overriding the bike, whereas Redding just gave up on it.

His comments:

Now, I'm just waiting for the same thing to come from Vinales. Though, I think Maverick wants to win and has a more professional approach to the whole concept. He's not going to burn the bridge. Yet, you can tell he's getting really frustrated. Which I think has to do with how he started last year. He won three races in five races, dominated winter testing and was touted as being the one to take the fight to Marquez. Then the wheels came off when the heat went up and they(Yamaha) lost their way. So he knows he can win, and being win-less for so long just makes it even more excruciating.