Seeing as the weather was nice, I figured people would just go actually ride instead of talking about it anyway.

Short version is I had to power down the server on Saturday to do some power work at the house. Brought it back online that night, however didn't realize the CPU fan wasn't turning. Sometime Sat night it overheated and shut itself down, but didn't end up being a simple fan replacement like I had hoped. Motherboard had horked up probably because of the powering up and down, and of course the new one I purchased didn't have an ethernet controller compatible with ESX (the virtual server system this runs on), so had to go back the next day and get a network card that would actually work. Being as I wasn't in a huge rush to go spend my $$ and had a lot of other stuff to get done, it took "best effort" priority in my list of shit to do.

It's in a new case with new parts, better power supply, more fans, etc now.