My vote is Salvation Army. The article was about them, and the news will help us get donations if we decide to benefit them. I think the 9News drive benefitted Food Bank and DRM but I am not sure.

Final collection and delivery: December 23rd. I'll take the whole day off work, and will need a couple volunteers to roam with me and collect/schlep the stuff.

Also useful would be box donations to keep it all in. Anyone have a contact at UHaul or something?

Beyond that I would like to see regional "captains" take the initiative and run with it for their areas, collecting the food. If you want to schedule a "trailer fill-up" at your location of choice let me know. Sounds like Dana already has the ball rolling. Cathy has also stepped up for the northsiiiiide. I think we should get Colo Spgs, north metro, aurora, and "west" going as well.